BPW Caboolture

Meeting Date and Place

 VenueCentenary Lakes Function Centre
  16 Stringfellow Road off  Riverview Street, Caboolture
Centenary Lakes off Morayfield Rd, Caboolture 
  6.30am to 8.30am first Friday of the month 

  Early Bird CostMembers $20, Guests $30
  Cost:  Members $25, Guests $35
  incl. Buffet Breakfast and Monthly Guest Speaker
Pre-booking is essential to attend, via Eventbrite

Club Contact Details

  Twitter - CabooltureBPW

Upcoming events

 Candlelighting 2017

Breakfast this year was a beautiful event as we welcomed members and guest to our ceremony to remember women around the world BPW supports for International Womans Day

BPW Caboolture Newsletters

You can view past newsletters online via the Link below

We welcome you

If you are interested in finding out more about BPW in your local area, you are invited to join us at one of our networking breakfast meetings.  Our breakfast is held on the first friday of every month - except January, where we have no meeting. Please check the events sections above to find out what's on this month.  You can book online to attend.  You will find out more about us, meet some of our wonderful members and enjoy a topical guest speaker.

From the Club President

Hi I'm Trish Springsteen and it is my honour to be the current  President of BPW Caboolture.Welcome to our club. If you are looking to get to know other women in a warm and friendly environment, learn and advocate for issues that affect women and business, then BPW Caboolture is for you.

BPW offers a personal and professional development opportunity for women to increase their confidence and standing in the workplace and in the community. We advocate for gender equity, locally, nationally and globally.

At BPW Caboolture we  are a group of like minded professional and passionate women supporting each other and volunteering their time and energy to an amazing club. Guests are welcome to come along and attend any of our events or our breakfasts, enjoy our guest speakers and meet the amazing members of this dynamic group. We look forward to meeting you. Step up and shine.

Trish Springsteen
President BPW Caboolture

Club Location

About our club

In BPW, members matter most.  We focus on issues and personal or professional development that is relevant to our own club.  We enjoy different types of meetings, including dinner with a speaker, workshops to enhance our skills and social events where lifelong friendships are made.

Club Committee Members

President:                                   Trish Springsteen   

VPP (Policy):                               Amy Roche           

VPM (Membership):                    Sally Eberhardt          

MMO (Marketing and Media):      Misty Jenkins         

Treasurer:                                   Gail Hudson           

Secretary:                                   Debbie Biancucci     

Young BPW:                               Natalie Hudson        

Assistant VPP:                            Debbie Biancucci     

Assistant VPM:                           Sue Dewar              

Assistant Treasurer:                    Kylie Chant             

Keys to Achieve:                         Maureen Wise         

Immediate Past President:           Tina Kirwan         

Life Member                               Joy Leishman        

 In-kind sponsor North Harbour

Committee business meeting every 3rd Friday of the month, 12pm @ North Harbour Sales centre boardroom. All welcome

Our Special Projects

Our members are currently supporting projects to empower women and girls in Australia and overseas.  Read more...

Our Past Events

Take a look at some of our club's past dinner meetings, workshops and social events.  Read more... 

Members Only

This section can only be accessed by club members.  Read more...

Our Club Sponsors

Club Projects

We choose the local, national and international projects that our club members will support our club members have chosen to focus currently on these:


Featured member

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